Valley Cleaners

Valley Cleaners

Dry Cleaning & Laundry in Roanoke, VA

Dry Cleaning & Laundry

Contact us


7403 Williamson Rd,
Roanoke , VA 24019 UNITED STATES

About Valley Cleaners

Since 1987, Valley Cleaners has been providing southwestern Virginia with comprehensive dry cleaning services that our customers can rely on. We can remove stains, clean soiled clothing, and carefully dry clean delicate items that cannot be wasted in a washing machine. Keeping your clothing and other textiles lasting as long as possible is what we do best!


Valley Cleaners 540-366-1503
7403 Williamson Rd,
Roanoke , VA 24019 UNITED STATES
Valley Cleaners

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Valley Cleaners
Dry Cleaning & Laundry
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Valley Cleaners

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