Restaurants in Phoenix, AZ
Restaurants • Tex-Mex Restaurants
3336 W Bell Rd.,
Phoenix ,
Based on 3 reviews
Reasonably priced and delicious
This is one of our favorite places to eat! It's not a fancy restaurant by any means. It's got an old feel to it. The food, however, is delicious and the chips/salsa are among my favorites in town! Would definitely recommend this...Valle Lune
Valle Luna's food is great no matter which location you go to. This particular one is super friendly and welcoming.Best of Phoenix
This restaurant was histotrically named best of phoenix, and for good reasons. If anyone truly believes that the reviews that are freely permitted to pan, demean, and defile the good reputations of long timeWorldwide > United States > Phoenix, AZ > Tex-Mex Restaurants