Benjamin W. Szerlip, DO

Benjamin W. Szerlip, DO

Doctors in Austin, TX


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12309 N. Mopac, Ste. 150
Austin , TX 78758 UNITED STATES

About Benjamin W. Szerlip, DO

Dr. Szerlip is a board certified, fellowship trained Orthopedic Surgeon. He specializes in all aspects of the shoulder including total and reverse shoulder replacement, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, fracture care, sports medicine injuries, as well as non-operative treatments. Dr. Szerlip believes it is essential to educate his patients so they feel confident about their treatment plan based on medical evidence and personalized goals to achieve the best result


Benjamin W. Szerlip, DO 512-491-6404
12309 N. Mopac, Ste. 150
Austin , TX 78758 UNITED STATES
Benjamin W. Szerlip, DO

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Benjamin W. Szerlip, DO

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