Vaccarezza Joel E DDS

Vaccarezza Joel E DDS

Dentists in Miami Shores, FL


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9999 NE 2nd Ave, 308
Miami Shores , FL 33138 UNITED STATES

About Vaccarezza Joel E DDS

As a trusted dentist in Miami Shores with an established reputation for exemplary service, our top priorities are the care and comfort of our patients and the provision of successful treatment outcomes. Skilled and experienced in all facets of care, we are well equipped to address the dental needs of patients of all ages. Known for providing compassionate and precise care, you can rest assured that we can help you and every member of your family maintain optimal oral health.


Vaccarezza Joel E DDS 305-757-6991
9999 NE 2nd Ave, 308
Miami Shores , FL 33138 UNITED STATES
Vaccarezza Joel E DDS

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