Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation

Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation

Chiropractors in Los Angeles, CA


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3600 Wilshire Boulevard, #932
Los Angeles , CA 90010 UNITED STATES

About Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation

My name is Dr. Johnny Truong and I am one of a select few highly trained upper cervical chiropractic specialists in Los Angeles, Ca. Our state-of-the-art upper cervical chiropractic facility is conveniently located in the Mid-Wilshire KoreaTown area of Los Angeles Ca.

I have been a Los Angeles Upper cervical chiropractor exclusively for more than a decade. Upper cervical chiropractic is a specialty within chiropractic which deals with the most vital part of the nervous system and that is your brain stem. The brain stem allows the BRAIN to effectively CONNECT with the BODY and helps to control all of its life giving functions. When this communication process is interfered with, pain-suffering and poor health develops. You deserve to have better quality of life. You don't have to suffer another day. We are open every other Saturday, by appointment only from 9am - 11am.


Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation 213-385-3858
3600 Wilshire Boulevard, #932
Los Angeles , CA 90010 UNITED STATES
Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation 5

Based on 2 reviews

Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation 213-385-3858
3600 Wilshire Boulevard, #932
Los Angeles , CA 90010 UNITED STATES
5 5

I must say that I was very skeptical about whether upper cervical chiropractic could help me with my migraine headaches. I've suffered with this condition for most of my adult life. I've tried taking over the counter and prescription medications but none of them proved to be effective. I've resorted to conventional chiropractic where I would get my neck twisted and popped on a regular basis. The results were very minimal and at times would cause an increase in my headache symptoms. A friend of mine told me about an upper cervical chiropractior located in Los Angeles. She explained to me that Dr Johnny Truong was a different type of chiropractor that offered a gentle approach to alleviating chronic symptoms like my headaches. I decided to give him a try and was amazed at how great I felt immediately after the upper neck correction. The headache lifted and I felt the best that I have ever felt in years. My headaches haven't returned since. I am now a walking billboard for Dr Truong and upper cervical chiropractic. I highly recommend my family and friends to seek this form of care because I know that it will give them a better quality of life like it did for me. --Lucydelle V.
posted at 12/25/11
Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation 213-385-3858
3600 Wilshire Boulevard, #932
Los Angeles , CA 90010 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dr. Johnny Truong is an incredible upper cervical chiropractor. He welcomes me with a smile every time I come to visit his office. He makes me feel special. I like the fact that he is located in Los Angeles and it only takes a few minutes for me to get to his office. Dr. Truong is very meticulous about details and uses cutting edge technology to assist him in analyzing your current health challenge. He takes special three dimensional xrays of the upper neck to see how the bone has misaligned so that he can properly reposition the neck into alignment. Unlike conventional chiropractors that twist and pop the entire spine (which I don't care for much), Dr. Truong uses a gentle and precise approach to guide the bone into its correct position. I came to see Dr. Truong for my severe low back pain. There were days where the low back pain was so unbearable that I would have to miss several days at work. After my first correction by Dr. Truong, I felt immediate relief of my back pain. The muscle tension in my neck and back melted away like butter and my pain subsided within minutes. I walked out of the office with almost no back pain was thoroughly impressed. I would enthusiastically recommend Dr. Truong's care to all of my family and friends.
posted at 12/19/11

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Truong Upper Cervical Chiropractic Corporation
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