Twin Oaks NW Auto Works

Twin Oaks NW Auto Works

Auto Repair in Beaverton, OR

Auto Repair

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16501 Nw Twin Oaks Dr.,
Beaverton , OR 97006 UNITED STATES


Twin Oaks NW Auto Works 503-690-3083
16501 Nw Twin Oaks Dr.,
Beaverton , OR 97006 UNITED STATES
Twin Oaks NW Auto Works 3

Based on 2 reviews

Twin Oaks NW Auto Works 503-690-3083
16501 Nw Twin Oaks Dr.,
Beaverton , OR 97006 UNITED STATES
5 5

Huge help during stressful ordeal

Amazing folks. On advice from a friend who knows and trusts Twin Oaks, I took my subaru in 2 days before my expected departure for a cross country road trip. Found out it had a blown head gasket and Tim kindly and firmly advised me to buy...
posted at 09/28/10
Twin Oaks NW Auto Works 503-690-3083
16501 Nw Twin Oaks Dr.,
Beaverton , OR 97006 UNITED STATES
1 5

Liars and Thieves.. Burnt down

Not only were they liars and thieves, but they charged me more than $1500 for make believe problems. I had a whole break system redone because Steve told me it was unsafe to drive my car. After the same noise continued occurring AFTER...
posted at 05/24/11

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Twin Oaks NW Auto Works
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
car audio installation,  fix car paint,  automotive repair service
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