Truck Gear Supercenter

Truck Gear Supercenter

Auto Parts and Accessories in Houston, TX

Auto Parts and Accessories

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25910 N Ih 45.,
Houston , TX 77080 UNITED STATES


Truck Gear Supercenter 281-681-8866
25910 N Ih 45.,
Houston , TX 77080 UNITED STATES
Truck Gear Supercenter 4

Based on 1 reviews

Truck Gear Supercenter 281-681-8866
25910 N Ih 45.,
Houston , TX 77080 UNITED STATES
4 5

Poor customer service

I bought a set of running boards, didn't like the way they looked after they were put on. Tried to return them & they wouldn't take them back, said they were used. They were not damaged or scratched in any way. I would not reccommend this...
posted at 08/11/10

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Truck Gear Supercenter
Auto Parts and Accessories
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Truck Gear Supercenter

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