Transmission Rebuilders

Transmission Rebuilders

Auto Repair in Upland, CA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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8455 Loma Pl.,
Upland , CA 91786 UNITED STATES


Transmission Rebuilders 909-982-7212
8455 Loma Pl.,
Upland , CA 91786 UNITED STATES
Transmission Rebuilders 1

Based on 2 reviews

Transmission Rebuilders 909-982-7212
8455 Loma Pl.,
Upland , CA 91786 UNITED STATES
1 5

I'm going through the same thing :-(

I too have had the same issue as Yvonne.Yvonne if you're reading this please contact me because I would love to speak with you.
posted at 06/08/10
Transmission Rebuilders 909-982-7212
8455 Loma Pl.,
Upland , CA 91786 UNITED STATES
1 5

Disgrace to Family Run Businesses

This Shop is not listed under its true name....Previously located @ 8455 Loma Pl, Upland, CA 91786-4237, 909-982-7212, Its signage in Rancho Cucamonga now reads Aa Transmission Rebuilders and upon research Protech Transmission Specialties...
posted at 03/28/10

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Transmission Rebuilders
Auto Repair
1.0 (2 reviews)
auto diagnostics,  car repair services,  japanese auto repair auto electrical
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Transmission Rebuilders

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