Tiny Kitchens Catering & Consulting

Tiny Kitchens Catering & Consulting

Caterers in Las Vegas, NV


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4521 Stacey Ave.,
Las Vegas , NV 89108 UNITED STATES


Tiny Kitchens Catering & Consulting 702-646-8051
4521 Stacey Ave.,
Las Vegas , NV 89108 UNITED STATES
Tiny Kitchens Catering & Consulting 2

Based on 1 reviews

Tiny Kitchens Catering & Consulting 702-646-8051
4521 Stacey Ave.,
Las Vegas , NV 89108 UNITED STATES
2 5

took a lot of effort to work with them

Tiny Kitchens Catering did a satisfactory job for us. My clients were mostly happy with the catering job they did. My prime concern with them is on their follow through. I was constantly following up with phone calls and emails to...
posted at 04/02/10

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Tiny Kitchens Catering & Consulting
2.0 (1 reviews)
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