Thrifty Automotive Svc

Thrifty Automotive Svc

Auto Repair in Lafayette, IN

Auto Repair

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423 Farabee Dr,
Lafayette , IN 47905 UNITED STATES


Thrifty Automotive Svc 765-447-7977
423 Farabee Dr,
Lafayette , IN 47905 UNITED STATES
Thrifty Automotive Svc 1

Based on 1 reviews

Thrifty Automotive Svc 765-447-7977
423 Farabee Dr,
Lafayette , IN 47905 UNITED STATES
1 5

RIP- OFF!!!!!!

This place is a RIP-OFF!!!! I have been back several times because they can't seem to get it fixed right. The owner guy John was SO RUDE!!! If I pay for a service, I expect it to be done right! And I dont expect to be treated the way I...
posted at 08/11/10

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Thrifty Automotive Svc
Auto Repair
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