The Yellow Sub Shop

The Yellow Sub Shop

Restaurants in Gloucester, MA


Contact us


73 Pleasant St.,
Gloucester , MA 01930 UNITED STATES


The Yellow Sub Shop 978-281-2217
73 Pleasant St.,
Gloucester , MA 01930 UNITED STATES
The Yellow Sub Shop 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

The Yellow Sub Shop 978-281-2217
73 Pleasant St.,
Gloucester , MA 01930 UNITED STATES
4 5


First off let me say i have never been in this Sub Shop before !! Iwill Never step foot in it , let me explain why & im sure you will all agree with me and look at them diffrent i promise !! May, 28th 2011 A 19 year old Soildier was...
posted at 06/08/11
The Yellow Sub Shop 978-281-2217
73 Pleasant St.,
Gloucester , MA 01930 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Subs

Yellow Sub has delicious subs and they are not skimpy on the toppings at all! They load your sub high with all that you want, and make it more than worth your while. My personal favorite is the italian cold cut, and it always came out...
posted at 05/26/10

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The Yellow Sub Shop
4.5 (2 reviews)
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The Yellow Sub Shop

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