The Cake Cafe & Bakery

The Cake Cafe & Bakery

Restaurants in New Orleans, LA

Restaurants Bakeries

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2440 Chartres St.,
New Orleans , LA 70117 UNITED STATES


The Cake Cafe & Bakery 504-943-0010
2440 Chartres St.,
New Orleans , LA 70117 UNITED STATES
The Cake Cafe & Bakery 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

The Cake Cafe & Bakery 504-943-0010
2440 Chartres St.,
New Orleans , LA 70117 UNITED STATES
4 5

good for cake

good for cake for shutting the door 15 min. before closing time! They open at 7:00- and I'm sure they're fried by 4:00- No doubt many restaurants would love to turn away last minute dinners. Obviously the place is about the love and not...
posted at 05/23/10
The Cake Cafe & Bakery 504-943-0010
2440 Chartres St.,
New Orleans , LA 70117 UNITED STATES
5 5

good for cake

good for cake for shutting the door 15 min. before closing time! They open at 7:00- and I'm sure they're fried by 4:00- No doubt many restaurants would love to turn away last minute dinners. Obviously the place is about the love and not...
posted at 05/22/10

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The Cake Cafe & Bakery
4.5 (2 reviews)
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The Cake Cafe & Bakery

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