The Boulavard

The Boulavard

Caterers in Delmont, PA


Contact us


6543 State Route 22.,
Delmont , PA 15626 UNITED STATES


The Boulavard 724-468-1292
6543 State Route 22.,
Delmont , PA 15626 UNITED STATES
The Boulavard 1

Based on 1 reviews

The Boulavard 724-468-1292
6543 State Route 22.,
Delmont , PA 15626 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not a Fan

I've been to this place three times. The only reason why I went back the last two times was to give it a few more chances.

My overall opinion is that the food is slightly below average at best. What makes this place a "no go" for...
posted at 01/29/11

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The Boulavard
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