Tennessee Water Gardens

Tennessee Water Gardens

Water Companies & Water Delivery in Knoxville, TN

Water Companies & Water Delivery

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6410 Papermill Dr,
Knoxville , TN 37919 UNITED STATES


Tennessee Water Gardens 865-588-2073
6410 Papermill Dr,
Knoxville , TN 37919 UNITED STATES
Tennessee Water Gardens 3.5

Based on 4 reviews

Tennessee Water Gardens 865-588-2073
6410 Papermill Dr,
Knoxville , TN 37919 UNITED STATES
3 5


Beautiful fish but overpriced when compared to other stores. Their corals are not very colorful. Staff is very friendly but will tell you everything is reef compatible. Great store for supplies though!
posted at 12/06/10
Tennessee Water Gardens 865-588-2073
6410 Papermill Dr,
Knoxville , TN 37919 UNITED STATES
5 5

Stunning Store

My husband has been begging me for weeks to visit this locally owned fish store. I've been to my share of fish stores, both super stores such as PetsMart as well as hole-in-the-walls that smell worse than they look. I've been in the...
posted at 07/27/11
Tennessee Water Gardens 865-588-2073
6410 Papermill Dr,
Knoxville , TN 37919 UNITED STATES
5 5


I've been keeping a reef aquarium for nearly 3 years now, and I must say, I love this store! I've had nothing but good advice from them and I really trust their judgement. Yeah, they are a little hard to find, but on my first trip I just...
posted at 07/10/11
Tennessee Water Gardens 865-588-2073
6410 Papermill Dr,
Knoxville , TN 37919 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not impressed

They have a great building in a poor location. You have to really search to find the place and it is on a very steep hill with awkward parking.
Walking inside you will see a great selection of supplies. You will also notice that they...
posted at 04/26/11

Detail information

Company name
Tennessee Water Gardens
Water Companies & Water Delivery
3.5 (4 reviews)
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Tennessee Water Gardens

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