Temple Chiropractic

Temple Chiropractic

Chiropractors in Temple, GA

Chiropractors Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

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40 Villa Rosa Rd, Suite # 5,
Temple , GA 30179 UNITED STATES

About Temple Chiropractic

Temple Chiropractic offers the best in quality Chiropractic care. We've been in business since 2007 happily serving your chiropractic needs. Dr. Culpepper has been practicing since 1976, and takes a "whole person" approach in chiropractic care, which means looking for the underlying causes of disease, discomfort, and pain, as opposed to just treating the symptoms. As a patient at Temple Chiropractic we will personally tailor a chiropractic and wellness program specifically targeted to your needs using the least invasive yet highly-effective techniques and services. ***Sorry, Medicaid does not cover Chiropractic in Georgia***


Temple Chiropractic 770-562-8590
40 Villa Rosa Rd, Suite # 5,
Temple , GA 30179 UNITED STATES
Temple Chiropractic

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Temple Chiropractic

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