Teicher Stuart

Teicher Stuart

Dentists in Bronx, NY


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1088 Morris Park Ave.,
Bronx , NY 10461 UNITED STATES


Teicher Stuart 718-823-8830
1088 Morris Park Ave.,
Bronx , NY 10461 UNITED STATES
Teicher Stuart 5

Based on 1 reviews

Teicher Stuart 718-823-8830
1088 Morris Park Ave.,
Bronx , NY 10461 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dentist Extraordinaire

Dr. Ferrigno is one of the best dentists I've ever known. After some miserable experiences as a youth and teenager, I went to Pelham Parkway Dental Associates and had an appointment with Dr. Ferrigno. He put me at ease immediately, making...
posted at 06/17/10

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Teicher Stuart
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