Tanner Transmission

Tanner Transmission

Auto Repair in Salt Lake City, UT

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

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1752 W 4700 S,
Salt Lake City , UT 84118 UNITED STATES


Tanner Transmission 801-968-3105
1752 W 4700 S,
Salt Lake City , UT 84118 UNITED STATES
Tanner Transmission 3

Based on 2 reviews

Tanner Transmission 801-968-3105
1752 W 4700 S,
Salt Lake City , UT 84118 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good Price And Only Took Two Days.

Tanner asked me to write a review for them. Got my Jeep 4X4 Transmission replaced at Tanner Transmissions, about six months ago. Good Price and only took two days to get it done.. No problems for now. Would recommend to anyone. In Salt...
posted at 04/15/11
Tanner Transmission 801-968-3105
1752 W 4700 S,
Salt Lake City , UT 84118 UNITED STATES
1 5

Check the BBB Website

I Would Rate TT - 0 Stars but this website wont allow that Low of a Rating!! I Do Plan on writing more later but at this point All I Have to Say is Check BBB Website before taking vehicle to this establishment!! Wish we would have first....
posted at 05/06/11

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Tanner Transmission
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