Talbots Kids & Babies

Talbots Kids & Babies

Clothing in New York, NY


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1523 2nd Ave.,
New York , NY 10075 UNITED STATES


Talbots Kids & Babies 212-570-1630
1523 2nd Ave.,
New York , NY 10075 UNITED STATES
Talbots Kids & Babies 4

Based on 1 reviews

Talbots Kids & Babies 212-570-1630
1523 2nd Ave.,
New York , NY 10075 UNITED STATES
4 5

Talbots - conservative living

Beautiful clothing and terrific service. A floor person spent twenty minutes helping me find a shirt. He knew I was going to buy only one item and spend only 200 dollars, but he treated me like I was going to spend two thousand dollars....
posted at 06/22/11

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Talbots Kids & Babies
4.0 (1 reviews)
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