Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry

Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry

Dentists in Colorado Springs, CO


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5478 Tomah Dr.,
Colorado Springs , CO 80918 UNITED STATES

About Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry

At Tafolla and Rikli Family Dentistry, our care is centered on you, the patient. Our top priority is ensuring your comfort while in our care. From the minute you walk in the door to the moment you leave our office with a healthy smile, Dr. Tafolla, Dr. Rikli and our staff are fully committed to providing you with the gentlest care possible. As a patient of ours, you can expect to be treated with only the highest levels of friendliness and respect that simply isn’t found at every other family dentist.


Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry 719-598-6680
5478 Tomah Dr.,
Colorado Springs , CO 80918 UNITED STATES
Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry 4

Based on 1 reviews

Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry 719-598-6680
5478 Tomah Dr.,
Colorado Springs , CO 80918 UNITED STATES
4 5

Friendly staff, caring dentists

I originally went to Peak Vista Family Dentistry because it was close to my home and was covered by my insurance. I have gone there for over 2 years now and couldn't be happier. They have state-of-the-art equipment, very friendly, helpful...
posted at 04/18/10

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Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Tafolla & Rikli Family Dentistry

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