Sutter Food & Gas

Sutter Food & Gas

Gas & Service Stations in Sutter, CA

Gas & Service Stations Convenience Stores and Delis Grocery

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7505 Colusa Hwy.,
Sutter , CA 95982 UNITED STATES


Sutter Food & Gas 530-755-0336
7505 Colusa Hwy.,
Sutter , CA 95982 UNITED STATES
Sutter Food & Gas 5

Based on 1 reviews

Sutter Food & Gas 530-755-0336
7505 Colusa Hwy.,
Sutter , CA 95982 UNITED STATES
5 5

Our Sutter Choices

This is the BEST place to spend money in Sutter besides the store on California street...very nice and friendly....THUMBS DOWN!!!!! to South Butte Market!!!!! MEAN!!!!!!
posted at 07/28/10

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Sutter Food & Gas
Gas & Service Stations
5.0 (1 reviews)
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