Sumter Medical Specialist

Sumter Medical Specialist

Health and Medical in Sumter, SC

Health and Medical Doctors

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635 W Wesmark Blvd,
Sumter , SC 29150 UNITED STATES

About Sumter Medical Specialist

Are you suffering from arthritis, kidney disease, or hypertension and require medical guidance? Turn to Sumter Medical Specialist in South Carolina to receive top-notch care from passionate medical professionals. Established in 1981, this medical center has a team of board-certified doctors and nurses who specialize in various areas of medicine, including nephrology, rheumatology, and internal medicine.

Whether your arthritis is acting up or you require an x-ray, these experts take their time in learning about your symptoms to create an effective solution for your chronic pain or illness. This spacious medical center performs a wide range of services on-site, including x-rays, ultrasounds, and blood work.

Trust the medical professionals at Sumter Medical Specialist to access your symptoms and create a detailed plan that’s tailored to your specific needs. Call this medical center at (803) 469-7500 or visit their website to schedule an appointment today.


Sumter Medical Specialist 803-469-7500
635 W Wesmark Blvd,
Sumter , SC 29150 UNITED STATES
Sumter Medical Specialist

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