Silverado High School

Silverado High School

Education in Las Vegas, NV

Education Schools Public Schools

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1650 Silver Hawk Ave.,
Las Vegas , NV 89123 UNITED STATES


Silverado High School 702-799-5790
1650 Silver Hawk Ave.,
Las Vegas , NV 89123 UNITED STATES
Silverado High School 4

Based on 1 reviews

Silverado High School 702-799-5790
1650 Silver Hawk Ave.,
Las Vegas , NV 89123 UNITED STATES
4 5

World Class School

Silverado provides a very comfortable learning environment. With laid back teachers who take care of business, students will love to come to school. Getting involved is the best advice anyone can give. From their top of the line student...
posted at 12/06/10

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Silverado High School
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Silverado High School

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