Dr. Sidney K. Cunningham, DDS

Dr. Sidney K. Cunningham, DDS

Dentists in Austin, TX


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801 E William Cannon Dr, #230
Austin , TX 78745 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Sidney K. Cunningham, DDS

Our professionals know that dental health is not just about white smiles: it’s about having strong teeth and healthy gums. It’s about prolonging the simple joy of eating delicious things! Our mission is to help our patients accomplish these goals in a painless, compassionate, and efficient way.

We aim to educate our patients in a safe environment while offering them necessary comprehensive care. We understand that many people have anxiety about dental treatment, so we created a soothing environment and a scheduling system that never keeps you waiting long. By combining the latest technology with traditional techniques, we give our patients the best care in Austin.


Dr. Sidney K. Cunningham, DDS 512-447-3501
801 E William Cannon Dr, #230
Austin , TX 78745 UNITED STATES
Dr. Sidney K. Cunningham, DDS

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Dr. Sidney K. Cunningham, DDS

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