Seattle Automotive

Seattle Automotive

Auto Repair in Seattle, WA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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1405 Dexter Ave N.,
Seattle , WA 98109 UNITED STATES


Seattle Automotive 206-283-3703
1405 Dexter Ave N.,
Seattle , WA 98109 UNITED STATES
Seattle Automotive 2

Based on 4 reviews

Seattle Automotive 206-283-3703
1405 Dexter Ave N.,
Seattle , WA 98109 UNITED STATES
1 5

Don't go there

If you want your car back any time soon. They do not know how to assess damage or project a date for fix. There are many companies that can do this job- do a little bit of research before you su...
posted at 02/02/10
Seattle Automotive 206-283-3703
1405 Dexter Ave N.,
Seattle , WA 98109 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best auto repair & maintenance experience

We were refered there by the downtown Toyota dealer for Toyota maintenance. They are better than any dealership auto maintenance and repair experience I've ever had. Good people and good work. We'v...
posted at 07/08/10
Seattle Automotive 206-283-3703
1405 Dexter Ave N.,
Seattle , WA 98109 UNITED STATES
1 5

Unhappy @ King TV

I own a 1977 Limited Edition Porshe with 13,000 Original Miles on it wanted to see about getting a dent removed. First talked to an Oriental woman that was Very, Very,. Rude to me and others.\r
The Estimator named Tony told me...
posted at 03/12/11
Seattle Automotive 206-283-3703
1405 Dexter Ave N.,
Seattle , WA 98109 UNITED STATES
1 5

Ish in da kan ish

Came in for JUST an oil change. left my car their a Porsche Boxer.

Someone had driven my car as their were 43 more miles on it than when I had left it.

I NEVER GAVE any one permission to drive my car!

Would not recommend this place to...
posted at 12/27/10

Detail information

Company name
Seattle Automotive
Auto Repair
2.0 (4 reviews)
radiator repair,  fix car scratch,  fix car dent car painting
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