Sears Auto Center

Sears Auto Center

Auto Repair in Lake Grove, NY

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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4 Smith-Haven Mall,
Lake Grove , NY 11755 UNITED STATES

About Sears Auto Center

Welcome to your local Sears Auto Center in Lake Grove, NY. We have all the essentials whether it’s automotive repairs and maintenance, new tires, batteries or if you have a question about how to protect your vehicle. With over 260 locations, and most open 7 days a week, we specialize in keeping your car in good condition, before anything goes wrong. Walk-in, call or schedule an appointment online at
At Sears Auto Center every visit starts with a complimentary multi-point inspection, performed by expert ASE-certified technicians. Our free check includes a visual inspection of your battery, battery cables, air filter, belts, hoses, fluids, tires, exterior lights, and wiper blades. Brakes, steering and suspension system and drive axles checks performed upon request. We have the latest technology for routine maintenance services and to troubleshoot any issue that may arise along with a nationwide warranty service for your convenience.


Sears Auto Center 631-361-5290
4 Smith-Haven Mall,
Lake Grove , NY 11755 UNITED STATES
Sears Auto Center 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Sears Auto Center 631-361-5290
4 Smith-Haven Mall,
Lake Grove , NY 11755 UNITED STATES
4 5

Hub Bearing Replacement

Store: Sears Auto Center at "4 Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove, NY 11755"

I was looking for wheel bearing replacement. Got a quote of $150 (after tax) at Sears Auto. That was 80 dollars cheaper than what I paid for at Pep Boys...
posted at 07/25/10
Sears Auto Center 631-361-5290
4 Smith-Haven Mall,
Lake Grove , NY 11755 UNITED STATES
1 5

unresponsble repairman

I just found this website which I can make some comments on this auto repair store. I have a very horrible experience with this store. My husband and I brought our car to the store for a regular maintenance. They recommended fuel...
posted at 11/21/10

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Sears Auto Center
Auto Repair
2.5 (2 reviews)
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