Schupak Gail Dds

Schupak Gail Dds

Dentists in New York, NY


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654 Madison Ave.,
New York , NY 10065 UNITED STATES


Schupak Gail Dds 212-753-5540
654 Madison Ave.,
New York , NY 10065 UNITED STATES
Schupak Gail Dds 4

Based on 1 reviews

Schupak Gail Dds 212-753-5540
654 Madison Ave.,
New York , NY 10065 UNITED STATES
4 5

Love the orthodontis and support staff- hygienist needs work

Overall I'm very pleased with the care I received with Dr. Schupak! She is has many years of experience, is personable and had the best price I could find in the city. Her support staff is also wonderful except for her hyegienist. I have...
posted at 06/20/11

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