San Antonio Kidney Disease Center Physicians Group

San Antonio Kidney Disease Center Physicians Group

Doctors in San Antonio, TX


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2902 Goliad, Suite 103
San Antonio , TX 78223 UNITED STATES

About San Antonio Kidney Disease Center Physicians Group

We offer a full spectrum of kidney disease and hypertension services
For a full spectrum of kidney disease and hypertension services from the top doctors in nephrology, look no further than San Antonio Kidney Disease Center Physicians Group. Serving the community since 1978, the group has several locations throughout San Antonio and the surrounding areas.
With an unparalleled commitment to patient care, the award-winning team at San Antonio Kidney Disease Center offers a wide array of services. From cutting-edge hospital treatments and kidney transplant procedures to outpatient dialysis, the team members at San Antonio Kidney Disease Center are experts in their field.
Unparalleled commitment to patient care
Focused on empowering their patients with knowledge, San Antonio Kidney Disease Center hires full-time educators to teach classes on kidney health. The medical professionals strive to provide the most advanced treatment for every patient by constantly working on groundbreaking kidney disease research.  
Excellent medical care should be accessible to everyone.
The team at San Antonio Kidney Disease Center believes excellent medical care should be accessible to everyone. That’s why the group offers several convenient locations throughout San Antonio and travel to over 40 dialysis units across the region. For specific locations, or to learn more about how San Antonio Kidney Disease Center can help you, call the office today.


San Antonio Kidney Disease Center Physicians Group 210-337-4911
2902 Goliad, Suite 103
San Antonio , TX 78223 UNITED STATES
San Antonio Kidney Disease Center Physicians Group

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San Antonio Kidney Disease Center Physicians Group

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