Meat Stores in Bosque Farms, NM
Meat Stores
1470 Bosque Farms Blvd,
Bosque Farms ,
* T-Bone Steaks
* Ribeye Steaks
* Boneless New York Steaks
* Filletminion (Beef Tenderloin)
* Top Sirloin Steaks,
* Petite Sirloin Steaks
* Cube Steaks
* Chuckeye Steaks
* Bone in Beef Short Ribs
* Small Diced up Beef Stew Meat & Large Diced up Beef Stew meat
* Tri-Tip Roast
* Boneless Beef Chuck Roast
* Boneless Beef Rump Roast
* Extra Lean Ground Beef
* Lean Ground Beef
* Regular Ground Beef
* Lean Patties
* Regular Patties
* Thick Cut Pork Chops Bone in
* Thin Cut Bone in Pork Chops
* Bone in Pork Sirloin Chops
* Bone in Pork Steaks
* Pork Baby Back Ribs
* Pork Spare Ribs
* Bone in Country Style Pork Ribs
* Boneless Pork Country Style Ribs
* Diced up Pork Fat with Meat for Chicharones
* Boneless Pork Stew Meat
* Carne Adovada (Pork Marinated in Red Chile)
* Green Chile Bratwurst & Regular Bratwurst
* Green Chile Breakfast Sausage & Regular Breakfast Sausage
* Hot Breakfast Sausage, Hot Italian Sausage & Sweet Italian Sausage
* Chorizo
* Double Smoked Thick Cut Bacon
* Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, Bone in Split Chicken Breast & Chicken Leg Quarters & Whole Chickens
* Wild Cought Salmon
* Cooked Shrimp, Raw Shrimp & Breaded Butterfly Shrimp
We make all the ground beef and all the sausages here in the store, we also have a full variety of lunch meats and cheese sliced to your order.
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