Salernos Servicenter

Salernos Servicenter

Auto Repair in Redlands, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops Electricians

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440 Oriental Ave.,
Redlands , CA 92374 UNITED STATES


Salernos Servicenter 909-792-3453
440 Oriental Ave.,
Redlands , CA 92374 UNITED STATES
Salernos Servicenter 4

Based on 1 reviews

Salernos Servicenter 909-792-3453
440 Oriental Ave.,
Redlands , CA 92374 UNITED STATES
4 5


i was cautious about taking my car to this place after seeing all the bad reviews and i must say that i am glad i did because those must have ben disgruntled people. the service was great and i don't see the dirty part and i actually sat...
posted at 12/22/10

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Salernos Servicenter
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4.0 (1 reviews)
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