Saber Cycle Honda Gold Wing Parts & Accessories

Saber Cycle Honda Gold Wing Parts & Accessories

in Kansas City, MO

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11780 E 83Rd St,
Kansas City , MO 64138

About Saber Cycle Honda Gold Wing Parts & Accessories

Saber Cycle evolved from a long ago odyssey of adventure by a young man leaving a cold, remote Canadian prairie city in 1931 impoverished by the Great Depression on a motorcycle, hopefully for better times and places. The young man made it, the motorcycle didn't - self-destructing as was typical of the times.

His adventure was never lost on his son, the founder of Saber Cycle, who in the early 60's looked forward to a day of better touring bikes and who had taken up the motorcycle trade in 1964 partly to improve supply of parts and accessories to the large British and Japanese motorcycle owners of that time.

Interest in motorcycle touring slowly began to develop with the advent of the highly reliable Honda CB750 and Kawasaki Z1. But the launching of the Honda Gold Wing GL1000 in 1975 quickly opened up uncharted territory in motorcycle touring. This was a motorcycle that could be ridden at high speed for long distances while hauling a good load - and all with Honda's hallmark of reliability. Its smooth shaft drive and higher, more usable horsepower added up to less engine noise and fatigue, offering the rider a clean, dependable and quiet ride over the road.

Those in the motorcycle trade were fascinated by the Gold Wing's potential and questioned what role it would play in the future of motorcycling. Saber Cycle's founder soon learned the importance of replacing the Gold Wing's timing belt which he added to his parts offerings. And, of course, the stock GL1000 would require a multitude of add-ons or accessories to make touring a reality and became standard equipment for models GL1100, GL1200 and GL1500.

Few motorcycles have ever achieved the appeal and reliability of the Honda Gold Wing, conceived of an amalgam of European engineering and technological concepts, carried to production through Japanese thoroughness and later refined to the ultimate in touring motorcycles through the ingenuity of American enthusiasts. The Gold Wing has become the symbol of the open road for those many wanting the nearly perfect long distance mount.

History has since proven the huge success of the Gold Wing and the dedication of Saber Cycle to the procurement of Gold Wing product values. Our mission has always been to ensure stable on-hand supplies of parts and accessories with the same market quality as our competitors and the added benefit of swift delivery at highly competitive values for our customers.


Saber Cycle Honda Gold Wing Parts & Accessories 800-423-4974
11780 E 83Rd St,
Kansas City , MO 64138
Saber Cycle Honda Gold Wing Parts & Accessories

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