Ruth & Herb's Hotel

Ruth & Herb's Hotel

Hotels & Travel in Pittsburgh, PA

Hotels & Travel Hotels

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370 Rochester Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15237 UNITED STATES


Ruth & Herb's Hotel 412-366-8770
370 Rochester Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15237 UNITED STATES
Ruth & Herb's Hotel 4

Based on 1 reviews

Ruth & Herb's Hotel 412-366-8770
370 Rochester Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15237 UNITED STATES
4 5

Late Night Check In

I took my facebook date to this fine establishment and introduced her to the fine cliental while I wined and dined her with pickled eggs, chicken wings, and some refreshing coors light. We danced it up while dancing to the chainsaw song...
posted at 06/08/11

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Ruth & Herb's Hotel
Hotels & Travel
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Ruth & Herb's Hotel

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