Irvington Uniform

Irvington Uniform

Shopping in Irvington, NJ


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1000 Springfield Ave.,
Irvington , NJ 07111 UNITED STATES

About Irvington Uniform

Lee Health is the leading provider of health care in Southwest Florida. Lee Health consists of four acute care hospitals, two specialty hospitals and comprehensive health care services in facilities and office locations throughout the region. With more than 1 million patient contacts each year, Lee Health is the fourth largest public health system in the United States.  Lee Health remains the bedrock of our community by offering acute care, emergency care, rehabilitative and diagnostic services, health and wellness education, community outreach and advocacy programs throughout the five county region.


Irvington Uniform 973-371-8240
1000 Springfield Ave.,
Irvington , NJ 07111 UNITED STATES
Irvington Uniform

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Irvington Uniform
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Irvington Uniform

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