Rothrock's Kung Fu & Tai Chi

Rothrock's Kung Fu & Tai Chi

Fitness & Instruction in West Mifflin, PA

Fitness & Instruction Martial Arts

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3222 Lebanon Church Road,
West Mifflin , PA 15122 UNITED STATES

About Rothrock's Kung Fu & Tai Chi

Rothrock's Kung Fu is comprised of three programs in one: Traditional Kung Fu, Chinese Aerobic Kickboxing and No Holds Barred Self Defense. You'll have a fat burning, muscle toning workout that improves strength and flexibility.
The traditional Kung Fu teaches you how to develop extraordinary power in punches, strikes and kicks. As well as powerful blocking that eliminates any attacker no matter how strong or powerful.
Kickboxing starts with basic muscle burning footwork that strengthens your thighs, calves, ankles and knees. Next you learn a variety of kicks and punches in combinations for a great aerobic and fun workout. You'll strike and kick variety of bags and shields.
Self Defense combines the two above programs along with the 8 principles of self defense. You'll learn the strategies to defeat the most common attacks.
All these are taught by professional black belt instructors that follow a daily lesson plan that is exciting and fun. Plus they will keep you motivated, so you'll never get bored.


Rothrock's Kung Fu & Tai Chi 888-434-0104
3222 Lebanon Church Road,
West Mifflin , PA 15122 UNITED STATES
Rothrock's Kung Fu & Tai Chi

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Rothrock's Kung Fu & Tai Chi
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Rothrock's Kung Fu & Tai Chi

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