Rosemont Crossing

Rosemont Crossing

Real Estate in San Antonio, TX

Real Estate Apartments

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8916 Datapoint Dr.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES


Rosemont Crossing 210-615-8300
8916 Datapoint Dr.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES
Rosemont Crossing 1

Based on 1 reviews

Rosemont Crossing 210-615-8300
8916 Datapoint Dr.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES
1 5

Rip Me Off My Deposit. Under new ownership. I had to move out because well first of all i`m section 8 housing new owner, owners, no longer take housing, so they say, but basically they would not fix the minor problems so I did not pass inspection and had to move out 2 months before the lease was up. And they state they took what was left of my deposit after deducting $60.00 for a regularly dirty balcony as in what falls on it everyday! and a moldy tub, because I moved out early! WHICH WAS THEIR FAULT TO BEGIN WITH. And i`m leaving the negative everywhere I can find! and get my moneys worth! that they stole from me. Hopefully they will lose more than the money they stole from me. I can`t comment on anything else as they are new owners. I could comment on the past owners? conditions and the like, but what good is that?
posted at 01/25/12

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