Rodriguez Rene

Rodriguez Rene

Professional Services in Corpus Christi, TX

Professional Services Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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433 S Tancahua St.,
Corpus Christi , TX 78401 UNITED STATES


Rodriguez Rene 361-882-1919
433 S Tancahua St.,
Corpus Christi , TX 78401 UNITED STATES
Rodriguez Rene 1

Based on 2 reviews

Rodriguez Rene 361-882-1919
433 S Tancahua St.,
Corpus Christi , TX 78401 UNITED STATES
1 5

very unethical

Foul temper and language. Undecent dealings with his client. Tries to play unfair in court. Overall very unethical. Will fleece you for money at the end.
posted at 04/27/11
Rodriguez Rene 361-882-1919
433 S Tancahua St.,
Corpus Christi , TX 78401 UNITED STATES
1 5

Stay away!

Politically involved and morally corrupt. Is well known to look for vulnerable women clients and asks sexual favors for helping them. Keep your family members away from him. He will haunt you for months and years to come, after your...
posted at 04/04/11

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Rodriguez Rene
Professional Services
1.0 (2 reviews)
medical malpractice law firm,  criminal lawyers,  accident lawyers criminal defense lawyers
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