Richlen Garage & Tire Center

Richlen Garage & Tire Center

Auto Repair in Milwaukee, WI

Auto Repair Tires

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6808 W Lincoln Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53219 UNITED STATES


Richlen Garage & Tire Center 414-543-0560
6808 W Lincoln Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53219 UNITED STATES
Richlen Garage & Tire Center 2.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Richlen Garage & Tire Center 414-543-0560
6808 W Lincoln Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53219 UNITED STATES
2 5

I paid how much?

I quit going there for one reason. I was getting ripped off. The "old man" who ran the place was a good fair guy who charges on the high end. Now, it seems they work independently on setting bills for the work. I found a new guy doing...
posted at 08/20/10
Richlen Garage & Tire Center 414-543-0560
6808 W Lincoln Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53219 UNITED STATES
2 5

I paid how much?

I quit going there for one reason. I was getting ripped off. The "old man" who ran the place was a good fair guy who charges on the high end. Now, it seems they work independently on setting bills for the work. I found a new guy doing...
posted at 08/19/10
Richlen Garage & Tire Center 414-543-0560
6808 W Lincoln Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53219 UNITED STATES
4 5

Reputable Business

I have used their services twice. Once for tires, and once on a trip from Menasha to Florida.I was given a great price on the tires,and an observant tech noticed I had a bad shackle.The shackle was fixed right and I wasn't gouged.On our...
posted at 12/10/10

Detail information

Company name
Richlen Garage & Tire Center
Auto Repair
2.7 (3 reviews)
car audio installation,  fix car paint,  auto mechanic domestic car repair
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