Renee Day Spa

Renee Day Spa

Day Spas in Chicago, IL

Day Spas Massage Therapy Beauty Salons and Services

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645 N Michigan Ave.,
Chicago , IL 60611 UNITED STATES


Renee Day Spa 312-787-2544
645 N Michigan Ave.,
Chicago , IL 60611 UNITED STATES
Renee Day Spa 4

Based on 1 reviews

Renee Day Spa 312-787-2544
645 N Michigan Ave.,
Chicago , IL 60611 UNITED STATES
4 5

Welcoming with Quality Services

I've been happy for many years with Renata's (the proprieter) services and now that includes those of her staff as well. Her massage is restorative and relaxing at the same time. The manis and pedis outweigh others I've received. Treat...
posted at 03/25/10

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Renee Day Spa
Day Spas
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Renee Day Spa

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