Clark W. Redd, DDS

Clark W. Redd, DDS

Dentists in Mountlake Terrace, WA


Contact us


6808 220th Street SW, Suite 301
Mountlake Terrace , WA 98043 UNITED STATES

About Clark W. Redd, DDS

At the office of Dr Clark Redd we know that you have your own unique set of goals and desires for your smile. However, we also know that various factors can hinder you from reaching your goals. Dental fear, financial constraints or whatever the issue Dr Redd and his team understand and can tailor a plan that fits your unique needs. We feel everyone deserves to achieve the bright and healthy smile for a lifetime.


Clark W. Redd, DDS 425-670-3995
6808 220th Street SW, Suite 301
Mountlake Terrace , WA 98043 UNITED STATES
Clark W. Redd, DDS

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