Rainbow Auto Salvage & Garage

Rainbow Auto Salvage & Garage

Auto Repair in Holdenville, OK

Auto Repair

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6923 E County Rd 132.,
Holdenville , OK 74848 UNITED STATES


Rainbow Auto Salvage & Garage 405-379-5180
6923 E County Rd 132.,
Holdenville , OK 74848 UNITED STATES
Rainbow Auto Salvage & Garage 5

Based on 1 reviews

Rainbow Auto Salvage & Garage 405-379-5180
6923 E County Rd 132.,
Holdenville , OK 74848 UNITED STATES
5 5

They can get it

Over the years I have bought several used motors from them. They will offer you more than one with different milage on them. This way you can match the engine milage to the milage of the auto. Plus I never got not one bad motor from them. They offer a 90 day warrenty.

PROS: Nation wide search for parts
CONS: none
posted at 11/30/05

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Rainbow Auto Salvage & Garage
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car repair estimates,  auto brakes,  auto diagnostics car painting
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Rainbow Auto Salvage & Garage

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