Purrfect Auto Service

Purrfect Auto Service

Auto Repair in Las Vegas, NV

Auto Repair

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5140 S Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas , NV 89119 UNITED STATES


Purrfect Auto Service 702-798-1949
5140 S Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas , NV 89119 UNITED STATES
Purrfect Auto Service 1.6

Based on 5 reviews

Purrfect Auto Service 702-798-1949
5140 S Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas , NV 89119 UNITED STATES
1 5


They do not know what they are doing here. I had my transmission oil changed here on a perfectly running transmission. Now it jerks when downshifting when coming to a stop. The stupid manager Patrick said it is because of a...
posted at 02/25/11
Purrfect Auto Service 702-798-1949
5140 S Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas , NV 89119 UNITED STATES
4 5

Mad Mechanic Wife

my husband has worked for many purrfect autos in this town, and they don't pay overtime, they don't care about the employees or the families they have. they have major drama issues and they have a very special worker hired to make money...
posted at 06/18/10
Purrfect Auto Service 702-798-1949
5140 S Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas , NV 89119 UNITED STATES
1 5

Better off going to the dealer

This place is a major ripoff! I went there for an oil change and they try to sell me all kinds of flushes and front brakes. The manager Scott kept pushing and pushing, finally I had to tell him to get lost. You're better off going to the...
posted at 05/06/10
Purrfect Auto Service 702-798-1949
5140 S Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas , NV 89119 UNITED STATES
1 5

purrfect sucks

it is un-purrfect auto or purrfect-rip off auto. hey listen ive been working for this scam artist company for quite a while and recently left again due to them being so far behind on my pay. I'm owed over 800.00 dollars that's a weeks...
posted at 12/08/10
Purrfect Auto Service 702-798-1949
5140 S Maryland Pkwy.,
Las Vegas , NV 89119 UNITED STATES
1 5

After $3000, I gave up on NOT_SO purrfect auto

I had spent over $3000 with Purrfect Auto Service on Sunset and my Mazda is still not running right. I have given up on this company now and would like to find an honest and knowledgable mechanic in the area. As to Purrfect, I will be...
posted at 08/11/10

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Company name
Purrfect Auto Service
Auto Repair
1.6 (5 reviews)
car brake repair,  fix car paint,  foreign car repair engine repair
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