Prestige Cleaning Center

Prestige Cleaning Center

Local Services in Minneapolis, MN

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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3711 W 44th St.,
Minneapolis , MN 55410 UNITED STATES


Prestige Cleaning Center 612-929-2010
3711 W 44th St.,
Minneapolis , MN 55410 UNITED STATES
Prestige Cleaning Center 4

Based on 1 reviews

Prestige Cleaning Center 612-929-2010
3711 W 44th St.,
Minneapolis , MN 55410 UNITED STATES
4 5

Outstanding operation

I am a dry cleaner from Chicago, who has visited plants all over the country. More recently, I've been investigating environmentally friendly dry cleaning processes so that I can convert my own operation, and I was told that I simply...
posted at 05/13/10

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Prestige Cleaning Center
Local Services
4.0 (1 reviews)
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