Precious Cargo Daycare

Precious Cargo Daycare

Local Services in Branford, CT

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers Specialty Schools

Contact us


249 W Main St,
Branford , CT 06405 UNITED STATES


Precious Cargo Daycare 203-481-7457
249 W Main St,
Branford , CT 06405 UNITED STATES
Precious Cargo Daycare 3

Based on 2 reviews

Precious Cargo Daycare 203-481-7457
249 W Main St,
Branford , CT 06405 UNITED STATES
5 5

Our new sunroom....

WE purchased a Temo sunroom from Tri-State of Branford. This has been our favorite and easiest improvement we have made to our home since we purchased it. Our sunroom is so beautiful and adds such an ...
posted at 11/18/10
Precious Cargo Daycare 203-481-7457
249 W Main St,
Branford , CT 06405 UNITED STATES
1 5

Parents Beware

This is a daycare that used to come highly recommended. However, the quality of care has rapidly deteriorated over the past year. Management (the owner's son) is unresponsive and is condescending to the parents. Children are leaving this...
posted at 03/28/10

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Precious Cargo Daycare
Local Services
3.0 (2 reviews)
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Precious Cargo Daycare

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