Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah

Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah

Restaurants in Austin, TX


Contact us


111 E North Loop Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78751 UNITED STATES


Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah 512-632-7067
111 E North Loop Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78751 UNITED STATES
Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah 4.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah 512-632-7067
111 E North Loop Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78751 UNITED STATES
4 5

So good

Lamb! order it here. Yummy and they have belly dancers. Can be kinda awkward at times but they are great at shaking it.
posted at 10/13/10
Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah 512-632-7067
111 E North Loop Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78751 UNITED STATES
4 5


Nice place, had a wonderful dinner last night!
posted at 08/23/10
Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah 512-632-7067
111 E North Loop Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78751 UNITED STATES
5 5

I love Phara's!

This is one of my favorite places! The staff is incredibly accommodating. The food is WONDERFUL - especially Tenzin's Famous Aloo Channa & the Beef La Zeez; I get it every time. There are a few other bellydancers, but Phara herself...
posted at 11/07/10

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Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah
4.3 (3 reviews)
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Phara's Mediterranean Cuisine & Christopher's Casbah

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