Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish

Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish

Arts & Entertainment in Lockport, NY

Arts & Entertainment Pet Stores Aquariums

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421 West Ave.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES


Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish 716-433-0460
421 West Ave.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES
Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish 1.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish 716-433-0460
421 West Ave.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES
2 5

Sorta good.

Hi I go to this place because it is my local pet store. They are a somewhat reliable pet store. I purched 2 hamsters there and one bunny. the hamsters are still alive, but the bunny died within 4 days of me getting it :(
I have one more...
posted at 08/11/10
Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish 716-433-0460
421 West Ave.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES
1 5

Newspaper article on SPCA raid

5,000 animals seized from pet store

A complaint about some illegal, exotic reptiles spurred an all-day raid of Pets Plus on West Avenue.

Members of the Erie County SPCA animal rescue team and animal security investigators searched...
posted at 07/04/10
Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish 716-433-0460
421 West Ave.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES
1 5


the drugs run ramped in their,uneducated employees,the upstairs is a mess just a breeding room,dead reptiles hidden and in cages,every one knows who the coke head is and who the blonde at the front desk is and who shes doing not to say...
posted at 07/10/10

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Company name
Pets Plus Reptiles & Exotic Fish
Arts & Entertainment
1.3 (3 reviews)
pets dogs,  pet sitters,  pets shelters our pets
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