Gregory Patton, MD - Compass Oncology

Gregory Patton, MD - Compass Oncology

Doctors in Portland, OR


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265 N. Broadway,
Portland , OR 97227 UNITED STATES

About Gregory Patton, MD - Compass Oncology

Dr. Patton is a radiation oncologist and has been in practice for thirty years. Dr. Patton treats all types of cancer with a special focus on breast cancer. He has advanced expertise in Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery and brachytherapy. His multidisciplinary approach to care centers around the belief that collaboration among the different medical specialists leads to the right answer for treatment. He incorporates the results from patient evaluation (examination, imaging, laboratory, surgery) together with current medical evidence to offer treatment options reflecting the concerns and preferences of the patient and family.

Dr. Patton has a wife and two children including a son who is a cancer survivor. He enjoys flat water kayaking and taking adventure travel excursions.


Gregory Patton, MD - Compass Oncology 503-280-1223
265 N. Broadway,
Portland , OR 97227 UNITED STATES
Gregory Patton, MD - Compass Oncology

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