Pat Barrett Transmissions

Pat Barrett Transmissions

Auto Repair in Westwood, NJ

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

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135 Bergenline Ave.,
Westwood , NJ 07675 UNITED STATES


Pat Barrett Transmissions 201-666-6776
135 Bergenline Ave.,
Westwood , NJ 07675 UNITED STATES
Pat Barrett Transmissions 4

Based on 4 reviews

Pat Barrett Transmissions 201-666-6776
135 Bergenline Ave.,
Westwood , NJ 07675 UNITED STATES
4 5

Consistently excellent service at reasonable rates

I just had my third car ('97 Honda Accord) in 12 years serviced by Rich Hanson at Pat Barrett's. I've got three daughters who all drive used cars, transmission repair is inevitable! ;-)\r
Great service, very reasonable pricing and...
posted at 10/07/10
Pat Barrett Transmissions 201-666-6776
135 Bergenline Ave.,
Westwood , NJ 07675 UNITED STATES
4 5

The Best

Pat Barrett Transmissions are old school in the best way. Knowledgeable,Courteous. They take pride in good work. And, they do a lot more than transmissions. Can't say enough about Frank, Rich and the gang. I'm glad they aren't far from...
posted at 01/26/10
Pat Barrett Transmissions 201-666-6776
135 Bergenline Ave.,
Westwood , NJ 07675 UNITED STATES
4 5


I know people won't believe this but my 1996 Chevy Astro has been religiously serviced at PBT for more than ten years. Frank and Rich and the gang have performed correct servicing of almost every vital part. I bought the van in 1996 and...
posted at 08/01/10
Pat Barrett Transmissions 201-666-6776
135 Bergenline Ave.,
Westwood , NJ 07675 UNITED STATES
4 5

I Highly Recommend Pat Barrett Transmissions

I can't say enough great things about Frank and the rest of the gang at Pat Barrett. The clutch in my 2003 BMW 325ci went completely on a Thursday evening. I found Pat Barrett on the internet and called and spoke with Frank at 7:15 on...
posted at 08/01/10

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Pat Barrett Transmissions
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