Parma Christian Fellowship

Parma Christian Fellowship

Churches in Hilton, NY


Contact us


202 Lake Ave,
Hilton , NY 14468 UNITED STATES


Parma Christian Fellowship 585-392-5792
202 Lake Ave,
Hilton , NY 14468 UNITED STATES
Parma Christian Fellowship 5

Based on 1 reviews

Parma Christian Fellowship 585-392-5792
202 Lake Ave,
Hilton , NY 14468 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent small church in Hilton

PCFC has moved from St. Leo's old church building to Hilton United Methodist Church, 21 West Ave., Hilton, for all its services. We moved the first week of June, 2010. We are in the process of building our permanent facility at 590 North...
posted at 08/10/10

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Parma Christian Fellowship
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Parma Christian Fellowship

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