Parasole Bakery

Parasole Bakery

Bakeries in Minneapolis, MN


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1402 1st Ave S.,
Minneapolis , MN 55403 UNITED STATES


Parasole Bakery 612-879-8850
1402 1st Ave S.,
Minneapolis , MN 55403 UNITED STATES
Parasole Bakery 4

Based on 1 reviews

Parasole Bakery 612-879-8850
1402 1st Ave S.,
Minneapolis , MN 55403 UNITED STATES
4 5

Make a new friend...

This is a private bakery that sources all of the baked breads and treats to the Parasole restaurants, so you can't actually buy things here yourself...but if you make nice to one of the people who work at Parasole restaurants, they can...
posted at 05/13/10

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Parasole Bakery
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Parasole Bakery

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