Old Town Auto Service

Old Town Auto Service

Auto Repair in Eureka, CA

Auto Repair

Contact us


210 5th St,
Eureka , CA 95501 UNITED STATES

About Old Town Auto Service

Welcome! Old Town Auto Service is a family-owned, AAA approved auto repair shop Eureka drivers have counted on since 1975. Our dedicated staff has many years of automotive experience and education, and our technicians are all ASE certified. As a team, we work hard to stay at the forefront of automotive technology as well as customer service. If you live in the Eureka area, we hope you'll choose Old Town Auto Service for your auto repair needs.

We service all foreign and domestic cars and trucks. That’s right, all makes and models, specializing in domestics like Chevy, GM, Ford, Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Plymouth. We also service European brands such as Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes to name a few. Our 40 years of automotive experience has equipped us with the knowledge and tools to handle your European car.

But let’s not forget the well-known brands Honda, Toyota, Mazda, and Nissan, and their higher-end counterparts Lexus, Acura, and Infiniti. Our crew can handle all your service and repair needs for these makes, as well as Subaru and Mitsubishi.


Old Town Auto Service 707-442-4556
210 5th St,
Eureka , CA 95501 UNITED STATES
Old Town Auto Service

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Old Town Auto Service
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