Ohler's Tire Service

Ohler's Tire Service

Auto Repair in Lacombe, LA

Auto Repair Tires

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27164 Highway 190.,
Lacombe , LA 70445 UNITED STATES


Ohler's Tire Service 985-882-5616
27164 Highway 190.,
Lacombe , LA 70445 UNITED STATES
Ohler's Tire Service 1

Based on 1 reviews

Ohler's Tire Service 985-882-5616
27164 Highway 190.,
Lacombe , LA 70445 UNITED STATES
1 5

The difference between rude and mean.

The gentleman has been in business for a long time and doubtless has many loyal customers. I will not contact him again for service of any kind. I understand having a bad day, and I can certainly handle when people are rude, but this was...
posted at 02/18/11

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Ohler's Tire Service
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
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